Rocket® Data Virtualization

Data virtualization software that delivers universal data access to gain new business insights, expedite application development, and reduce Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) costs.

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Bring data together virtually for on-demand insights

Get the real-time business insights you need from your mainframe, relational and NoSQL databases, big data platforms and other enterprise sources with Rocket Data Virtualization software. Seize market opportunities, anticipate customer needs, and mitigate risk while reducing time, effort, and costs.

Replace costly, time-intensive ETL processes and enhance existing workflows to deliver data on demand instead of relying on large batch jobs that can take hours to complete. Rocket Data Virtualization solutions reduce operational costs while ensuring critical data is up to date and available when and where you need it.

Diagram representing Rocket Data Virtualization server ecosystem and how it interacts with z/OS-resident Data Consumers and Landing Zones

Efficient data virtualization

Accessing real-time insights is hard and expensive with inefficient ETL processes. ETL consumes 20% of mainframe capacity and can't support the speed of modern AI and analytics requirements.

Rocket Data Virtualization software provides real-time mainframe data access through simplified virtual views and offloads up to 99% of processing to zIIP engines, significantly reducing costs while delivering faster results.

Power up your operations:

  • Real-time data access: Provide immediate access to mainframe data, removing ETL inefficiencies and supporting cloud, mobile, and analytics use.
  • Productive data virtualization: Combine data into virtual views for faster insights into customer preferences, service issues, security risks, and more.
  • Cost-effective processing: Run up to 99% of data virtualization tasks to the IBM zSystems® Integrated Information Processor (zIIP). 
  • Support for digital transformation: Enable advanced analytics and faster decision-making with complete, real-time data.
purple image of a phone and numbers

Financial services firm turns real-time customer data insights into new revenue

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